Monthly Archives: November 2014

Using “The Force”

I believe the will of God is very clearly defined in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 12 through 18
12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. 13 Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other.
14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone. 15 See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people. 16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

In parallel to my own life, as I observe people around the world, it seems that the determined extension of faith is a major catalyst for breakthrough and experiencing the supernatural. Particularly interesting to me is that this extension of faith does not seem to be limited only to the Kingdom of God, leading me to believe that faith is a force (a law if you will) that was instituted to be exercised in this physical realm by human beings. I believe that this force was intended to be supernaturally creative within the Kingdom of God, but that it can also be intentionally tapped to establish opposing kingdoms as well. One thing that also appears to be consistent to me is that, regardless of the kingdom “allegiance” (or lack thereof), unbelief or the lack of the extension of faith also has universally consistent results—NOTHING. In other words, those who do…

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Disappointment & The Protection Mechanism

Good stuff.

No one likes disappointment. Typically, the greater the disappointment the greater the efforts to avoid it in the future. So in the case of asking God for something and finding our expectation unmet, sometimes the fallout is significant becoming a catch 22 for the extension of faith necessary to experience the miraculous.

The way that most protect themselves from future disappointment is to justify or make excuse why they didn’t receive what they expected from God. Most all of these expressions of your protection mechanism are rooted in some form of unbelief.

As bad as we want to understand, I’m convinced that sometimes our minds or our experience have not developed to a place of being able to rationalize clearly through our disappointment. It’s not that the answers are unattainable; I just think many times we are not yet postured to receive them. In those seasons, at least in my…

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30 Second Sermon – Actions Reveal Nature

Wow. How true this is. I’ve considered this for a while, just never knew how to address it… well here ya go and this is for the hypocritical churchy type – stop criticizing and condemning the world has enough critics and haters. Celebrate ThanksLiving 🙂

“Those who become the most demanding of their meals are usually the ones who are the farthest away from hunger.” – Bill Johnson

Pain has a way of influencing our reactions like few other catalysts. Hunger pangs are no different. A truly hungry person is not looking for ways to complain about their meal, they just WANT TO EAT! I see a parallel in the western church vs churches in countries like china or the Middle East where Christians are literally murdered for their faith.

In the US we are so “satisfied” that we often spend more time critiquing the pastors message than digesting or applying it. Here, if we have to drive more than 10 minutes to church we decide it is an inconvenience where in other countries people walk for hours and meet in hiding just to experience something that will encourage or build their faith.

If actions…

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A Perfect Pastor – Part 2

So how do we deal with our pastor being human?

A funny thought I had this morning while meditating on this is that even though Jesus WAS perfect, there were a TON of people who viewed him in less than a perfect light… Even killing him for what they believed to be a huge fault in His life — delusional blasphemy!

Yet, it was not Jesus who’s perspective was jaded but those who looked at him assuming what they thought they knew. Even His disciples questioned Him when they thought He was nuts a few times… “Jesus we can’t feed these 5000 men, we have no food…”, “We’re about to die in this storm and Jesus is just sleeping in the bottom of the boat…!”, You get the picture. It wasn’t that He was wrong, they just misperceived what was happening because they viewed life through the lenses of their…

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Divorce, Remarriage & Adultery – The Ignorance of Modern Church Interpretation

With more than 50% of marriages ending in divorce…IN THE CHURCH! It seems to me that this subject would be one that is intentionally studied and clearly covered by pastors and churches around the globe. But in my experience, I’ve never heard a clearly defined explanation as to why marrying someone who is divorced or remarrying after a divorce is NOT necessarily adultery (as we understand it today)…Until now!  Personally, I’ve always simply resorted to the “it’s covered by grace no matter what” card, but I’ve recently discovered that there may be more to it.

I study a LOT of different content, from theoretical physics to diverse perspectives on theology. I recently finished the book The Divine Conspiracy by the late theologian, Dallas Willard. This book is an amazing expose’ of scripture and its practical application for the lives of believers.

Remembering that the necessary steps to interpreting any writing…

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30 Second Sermon – Change Your Life

True repentance means to change your mind. If we ask God to forgive us but do not change our thinking from what led us to the action to begin with, we ultimately end up in an endless catch 22 of repetitive failure. We often define ourselves by our failures, but God does not. If we want to be different, we have to see different. What are you meditating on? Is it your failure or your potential? The Bible says to bring every thought into the obedience of Christ. That means, think what He would think.   You can not afford to have a thought about you that He would not have about you.  Every action begins with a thought…Change your thinking—Change your life!

If you think this may influence someone you know, please feel free to share it on your own social networks.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my…

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