Monthly Archives: February 2015

Dear future Valentine

The qualities I find attractive in a potential #Valentine:

Love for God (not just a Sunday morning kind of love … but an undeniable passion)

#loveGodfirst and everything else just comes naturally.

#Patience.  The kind of patience that can wait out any storm (the rainbow after is worth the wait) the kind of patience that no matter what doesn’t judge or condemn, walk away or abandon, lose hope or heart in whatever we are facing.  #together

#Respect.  My mamma raised me to show respect for others.  I respect a man that knows how to treat a lady like a lady.  Chivalry is not dead.  I love having doors opened for me, my seat pulled out at a restaurant, watching the language that comes from your mouth ~ because you when you speak it reveals what is in your heart.   #treatmelikeaqueen #iwilltreatyoulikeaking

Luke 6:45 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

#Sweet nothings (are everything).  Take the time to express gratitude, admiration or any other kind, loving thought that’s on your mind.  It’s thoughtful, desired and appreciated more than you think and you will reap the benefits from something as simple as a thank you.   #sweetnessisrewarded

#Integrity & morals.  If you expect others to treat you with kindness and respect, you have to be willing to  treat them the same.  And even those who don’t … you still treat them as you wish to be treated.  Don’t take advantage of someone weaker than you, always do the right thing.


#Honesty & loyalty.  Be true to your word.  Mean what you say and say what you mean.  Stand up for what you believe in, be willing to fight for it even if no one else will (if you have my heart, I’ll always have your 6)  If you commit to someone stay loyal and faithful to them.

#honestyisalwaysbest #stayfaithful or #staysingle

#Charm & Passion.  Never stop woo’ing and being charming.  Even after you’ve won me over.  Stay committed to the thrill of our relationship and that wonderful feeling of a brand new love.  It’ll take work but a lifetime of love and a lifetime with me is worth the effort and then some.  ❤


That is all for now…

Happy month of love to all my friends